That was a smooth flight. Managed to catch Grand Budapest Hotel, 5star, I recommend that to Eric, you're going to love it. The plane was packed. I had about 4hrs sleep, will need a bit more later. Lights and announcements were 20mins before arrival. We had to stack our bedding in the top rack. The flight crew left with us too. Only 30+ folks disembarked, 200 or so plus new crew continued to Joberg. There was a heavy cargo Lufty adjacent to us, lots of priority Euro cargo in and out of Senagal.
Visa processing was different, I forgot my print out so had to pull up a digital copy on my notebook. Then they showed me a photo of this,
and requested I state its location in the US. Unfortunately, I have never been to Monument valley a sacred location within the Navajo nation and lies in Arizona. They used a biometrics device which took index finger and thumb prints. All which occurred in about 10mins.
We pre-arranged a transport vehicle to carry us to our hotel. A very nice one too...
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